External Resources
Asexual & Aromantic Resources
Information for aces and people who want to learn about asexuality. They also host one of the largest forums of A-spec individuals. (For a summary of Asexual history, check out asexuals.net!)
An organization working to grow the aromantic community and advocate for their interests. (Check out this Aro history, published by the AUREA team at aromanticism.org!)
A resource website with flyers, presentations, & a map of a-spec groups in North America.
A Discord server for Aromantic spectrum individuals.
A community-sourced journal that puts out several issues per year on specific topics.
A Toronto-based advocacy group that aims to support similar groups across Canada. They have been inactive for several years, but still have online resources available, including an Ace Inclusion Guide for High Schools.
Educational Books
"Understanding Asexuality" by Anthony Bogaert
"Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex" by Angela Chen
"Aro Eros Arrows" by Michón Neal
General Queer Resources
Health Resources
Alberta Health Services LGBTQ2S+
The LGBTQ+ Wellness Centre (Based in Northern Alberta)
The Alex (Based in Calgary & Southern Alberta)
OurHealth YEG (Based in Edmonton)
Resources for Queer Youth
Fyrefly Institute (Based in Edmonton)
Rainbow Alliance for Youth of Edmonton
The Alex (Based in Calgary & Southern Alberta)
GSA Network (Based in Calgary)
Trevor Space (online forum)
Resources for Allies & Families
PFLAG Canada - Alberta chapters: Calgary, Edmonton, North Peace, Red Deer, Seahorse, and St Albert
Rainbow Families YYC (Based in Calgary)